House and Dog Painting
Paintings of homes and dogs come in many different sizes. They are painted on canvas with acrylic paint and come with a hanging wire installed. All paintings are finished with a clear, protective varnish.
Custom paintings take 4-8 weeks. Please email with ideas and images for your paintings after checkout.
Paintings of homes and dogs come in many different sizes. They are painted on canvas with acrylic paint and come with a hanging wire installed. All paintings are finished with a clear, protective varnish.
Custom paintings take 4-8 weeks. Please email with ideas and images for your paintings after checkout.
Paintings of homes and dogs come in many different sizes. They are painted on canvas with acrylic paint and come with a hanging wire installed. All paintings are finished with a clear, protective varnish.
Custom paintings take 4-8 weeks. Please email with ideas and images for your paintings after checkout.